“尼亚” 下了草药课,加德尼亚正好在温室门口碰见了加尔,他刚从猫头鹰棚屋回来,带来了爸爸妈妈的信 Dear children.: Words are like faces Dear little Nia,It''''s reat that you can find your ability to predict.Your father and I, we didn''''t expect you to awaken at such a youn ae.Of course.We are really happy for you.You are the pride of the entire Raphael faly. Dear Gar.Mohas told you ny tis not to worry about this kind of thin.It''''s like you have powers that have been passed down throuh our faly for enerations.An azin ability to reconize herbs.Dad and I are proud of you, too. Finally, I heard Nia say that Harry''''s aunt and uncle were not kind to hiI want to be a ood friend of Lily and Jai.We should invite Harry to stay. Take Harry ho all Christs. Love your father and ther. (亲爱的孩子们,吧啦吧啦吧啦吧啦吧啦,尼亚觉醒能力很了不起,加尔继承了外祖父的草药血脉,我和爸爸为你们感到骄傲和自豪,吧啦吧啦吧啦吧啦吧啦 圣诞节带着哈利回家,爸爸妈妈和哈利的父母是好友,他们应该帮忙照顾哈利) 好吧,爸爸妈妈的来信还真是透露出喜悦,不过哈利要去他们家过圣诞节了??那德拉科怎么办,他要是知道这个消息肯定会原地爆炸的 火车回程的那天,加德尼亚和德拉科上了火车,在她决定要不要开口告诉他哈利借住她家的事情,德拉科突然说他要离开包厢去找潘西了,自从上次之后尼亚和潘西没有说过一句话 “你要帮她搬东西了吗” 尽管她明白,这是纯血贵族友谊之间必须存在的交际,德拉科不能因为她而冷落潘西,那样代表着马尔福不再与帕金森交好 就像最开始进入霍格沃茨的时候,学院里一般的人家长都致了来信,内容统一的大概率为: 与拉斐尔小姐交好 “没办法,这是个绅士该做的,我们两家关系很好” “嗯,我可以去格兰芬多的车厢” “去那里做什么” “噢,抱歉,德拉科,圣诞节我没办法造访你家了,哈利借住在我家” “什么?疤头住在你家?” “是的” “……” 德拉科碰的一声关掉包厢车门,门外的布雷斯和西奥多愣住了,面面相觑。德拉科有些生气,毕竟他都没有在拉斐尔庄园里过夜过 一直到下车,尼亚都没再见到德拉科和潘西他们,她和哈利在站口等了等加尔,爸爸妈妈来接他们了